My Multidimensional Twin Flame, Part 1
In the spring of 2018, the twin flame of my Pleiadian aspect, Astaria came to me in my consciousness. He told me that he had an...

Oxoatyl Speaks to Humanity-We Wait For you
“Beautiful beloved humanity, Many eons ago the template of perfection upon this planet was honoured. It was known, alas, that each plant,...

Sekhmet Speaks- Be the Living Embodiment
12/20/2021 “Greetings beloved children of Earth. I am Queen Sekhmet. What a grand experience you all have at hand. No longer will you...

Sananda Speaks-Time Is An Illusion
In this explanation is the answer to a direct question asked of The Family of Light. The question put forth to be answered by The Family...

Sananda Speaks from the Athena Lightship-Unity of the Planet, A New Beginning
“Greetings brothers and sisters, I am your brother Sananda. It is a most fortuitous time upon your planet. You have chosen this reset and...

Divine Mother Mary, Quetzalcoatl and Gaia Speak from Uluru-The Rainbow Bridge
I sat down to meditate with many around the world holding the intention of divine love for Gaia and humanity. As Uluru appeared in my...

Pleiadian Astaria Speaks From Her Merkaba-This is Not the End, It is the Beginning
My consciousness began to travel and as always I put my full trust in Spirit and my multidimensional selves to direct my journey. Before...

Pleiadian Astar Speaks from the Athena Lightship-Divine Complements
My consciousness merkaba activated and I found myself on my lightship the Athena. I was greeted by my Pleiadian multidimensional aspect,...

Ashtar Speaks From His Mothership- A Jump Into Divine Heart & Mind
My consciousness merkaba spun and I found myself entering the astral waiting room of Ashtar’s mothership, The New Jerusalem. My Pleiadian...

The 9 th Dimensional Arcturians Speak from the Athena Lightship- Your Multidimensional Self
My consciousness shifted and I found myself aboard my Pleiadian/Arcturian lightship, the Athena. I was greeted immediately by the glowing...

Archangel Michael from the Great Central Sun- Within the Eye of the Storm
My consciousness merkaba activated and I found myself before the Great Central Sun. Archangel Michael awaited and promptly began to...

Divine Mother Mary and the Divine Feminine from the Great Central Sun- Your Hope and Clarity will Wa
My consciousness merkaba activated and I found myself before the Great Central Sun,The Heart of God. My Seraphim aspect separated from...

Archangel Raphael Speaks from the Great Central Sun- Collective Grief, Unity and Healing
“Beloveds I greet you with the utmost love. I hold you and ask you to join with my vibration of eternal unconditional love and healing...

Gaia Speaks from 5 th /6 th Dimensional Gaia- Joyful Reunion, There is No Lack
My consciousness merkaba activated and I found myself before Gaia in what felt like the center of her Being. She stood before a huge...

The 9 th Dimensional Arcturians Speak from the Athena Lightship- The Divine “Observer”
My consciousness merkaba activated and I found myself boarding the Athena Lightship, my multidimensional home. As I passed through the...