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Traveling In The Merkaba
Archangel Metatron from the Great Central Sun- It Is Time For Graduation
Sananda Speaks from the Athena Lightship- Let Us Sit in the Stillness and Love Together
Ashtar Speaks from A Federation Lightship-All is Duly on Course
Divine Mother Isis Speaks from the Athena Lightship- Release Your Fear
Archangel Michael Speaks From the Athena Lightship- There Is No Judgment
Divine Mother Mary From the Athena Lightship The End of Limitation
The Arcturians Speak From Arcturus-Your Crystalline Template
The 9th Dimensional Arcturians Speak from Arcturus 11:11 Portal, Into the Now, One with the Divine
Archangel Michael Speaks from the Athena Starship- It is Often Darkest Before the Dawn
Sananda and Divine Mother Mary From the Great Central Sun We Sing the Song of Your Souls
Leo The Lyran Speaks From 7th Dimensional Lyra The Universe Is Inside of You
Sananda Speaks from the Great Central Sun-Together We Rise Archangel Michael Speaks from the Great c